Jeanette was born and raised in New York City. She’s a staunch advocate for equal and economic employment practices during labor/management discussions; safe and healthy standards in the workplace; fair representation during grievance proceedings; and maintaining rights and constitutional EQUALITY for the membership as a WHOLE!
She has surmounted lifetime challenges as a Latino woman, which has propelled her commitment and dedication at empowering minorities to achieve their full economic potential by encouraging them to seek leadership roles in the workforce and community.
She was elected as Public Employees Federation (PEF) Division 205 Assistant Council Leader in 2017, representing the Department of Health (DOH) and Office of the Inspector General (OMIG). She chairs the Statewide Women’s Committee, as well as, co-chairs Division 205 Labor/Management Committee. Additionally, she chairs Division 205 DOH Grievance subcommittee. She’s an active member in the Political Action Committee (PAC), Civil Service Committee, PEF Pride and PEF Albany Black Caucus Council. Furthermore, she served as parliamentarian of the statewide Hispanic Committee.
She received her BS in Management in 1998, with concentration in Contract Negotiations, from NYU Stern School of Business. As Trustee, Jeanette pledges to review fiscal records with Secretary-Treasurer and Certified Public Accountant, ensure the administration of the accounts follow Federation regulations, while safeguarding the best interest of the membership.