1. PEF Leader’s Role

The PEF leader’s role is to monitor management’s actions and/or decisions during layoffs and to answer members’ basic questions so they can make informed decisions.

2. State’s Role

State agency management and the Department of Civil Service are legally responsible for administering layoffs in accordance with Civil Service Laws, rules, and regulations.

3. Layoff Informational Materials Available via PEF and Civil Service Websites

Information to educate and enable PEF leaders to fulfill their role as monitor of the layoffs at their facility/agency is available on PEF’s website.  There are direct links to Department of Civil Service publications including Employee Guide for Agency Reduction Transfer List (ARTL), Information for State Employees Affected by Layoff, and Guidelines for the Administration of Reductions in Force (RIF Guidelines).

4. Responding to Members’ ARTL Eligibility and Limited Appropriate Titles Questions

    • Step 1 – Agency Human Resources/Personnel Office

Direct member to agency Human Resources/Personnel Office for response(s).

    • Step 2 – Department of Civil Service Career Mobility Office (CMO)

If the member still has concerns or disagrees with the agency response(s), the PEF Field Representative, Executive Board Member or Council Leader should then advise the member to contact the CMO directly by e-mail at: cs.sm.careermobility@cs.ny.gov or by telephone: (518) 485-6199 OR 1-800-553-1322 for further information and/or clarification.

    • Step 3 – PEF Civil Service Enforcement/Research Department

If the issue(s) still remain unresolved, the information already collected can then be referred to PEF Civil Service Enforcement/Research Department for further investigation.

5. Responding to All Other Members’ Questions

    • Step 1 – Agency Human Resources/Personnel Office

Direct member to agency Human Resources/Personnel Office for response(s).

    • Step 2 – PEF Field Representative, Executive Board Member or Council Leader

If the member still has concerns or disagrees with the agency response(s), the PEF Field Representative, Executive Board Member or Council Leader should then contact the agency for further information and/or clarification.

    • Step 3 – PEF Civil Service Enforcement/Research Department

If the issue(s) still remain unresolved, the information already collected can then be referred by the PEF Field Representative, Executive Board Member or Council Leader to PEF Civil Service Enforcement/Research Department for further investigation.

6. Potential Article 22 Violations (Contracting Out)

PEF leaders should also be aware of potential Article 22 contracting out situations.  If you have evidence that work done by a PS&T Unit member targeted for layoff is going to be or is being contracted out after a layoff, you should contact your PEF Field Representative who will follow up as needed.

PEF Leaders Layoff Information Checklist

Accurate information is essential for PEF Field and Civil Service Enforcement/Research staff to answer specific questions about layoffs in your agency, and for you to ensure that your members are receiving all necessary information. You or your agency statewide PEF Field Representative should request the following information from management:

Frequent Communication

Request that the agency keep the Union informed throughout the process and include Union representatives in layoff related meetings and contacts with employees.

  • RIF List

Request list of targeted titles and numbers of positions by location.

  • RIF Date

Confirm the target layoff date

  • Employee Notification

Find out how and when the agency will be contacting/notifying employees

  • ARTL Implementation

Request that the agency implement ARTL and distribute blue cards to our members as soon as possible.

  • Include CMO and DOL Representatives in Agency Informational RIF Meetings

Request that the CMO and DOL representatives be available to affected employees at agency meetings.

  • Obtain Copies of Documents Distributed by Agency

Request copies of any correspondence and information packets that are given to employees.

  • Horizontal Reassignment Method

Confirm which horizontal reassignment method the agency has chosen (equal numbers, one choice, or most to least senior).

  • Seniority Tie Breaking Methodology

Ask what method the agency will be using for breaking ties in seniority.

  • Post-RIF Employee Impact List

After the layoff date, ask for a detailed list of how the affected employees were impacted.


Revised 2/28/13