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PEF President Wayne Spence issued the following statement on June 23 after Primary Day in New York City:

The votes are still being counted, but the first choice of New York City residents is clear — Eric Adams ranks No. 1 on the most ballots after yesterday’s Democratic Primary.

The New York State Public Employees Federation endorsed Adams in January for one simple reason: He will represent the working men and women of the city better than anyone else. He is a true champion of essential workers.  During the height of the pandemic last year, Adams showed up for PEF members — helping get vital Personal Protective Equipment for our nurses at SUNY Downstate, doing check in calls with unions representing frontline healthcare workers to find out what they needed, and securing donated meals for nurses who could barely find the time to eat when they were so busy saving lives.  He didn’t waste time praising their heroism; he pitched in and helped when New Yorkers needed it most.

Adams spoke out daily in the media to shine a light on the issues and demand action because he understood that getting other leaders to prioritize the needs of workers meant calling it out every single day!  That is exactly what New York City needs now, someone who will step up and help working families.  He is a New Yorker in the truest sense and will be a blue collar, working class mayor.  Raised by a single mother who cleaned houses to support six children, he knows and understands working class issues because it’s part of who he is today.  Adams’ shared experience and insight into our communities will make him the strongest ally of working people in City Hall in decades.

PEF looks forward to the final result and pledges our continuing support for Eric Adams. He was there for us and we will be there for him.