PEF’s Statewide Nurses Committee (SWNC) is the voice of registered nurses in our union. This is a representative body that advises PEF’s Executive Board on all nursing related matters. We are nurses from across PEF’s divisions, representing all the myriad ways PEF RNs practice nursing. Our members come from DOCCS, SUNY, OMH, to name a few.

The Statewide Nursing Committee lobbies all year long for legislation beneficial to our profession.  We analyze upcoming legislation and industry trends as they pertain to our profession, while constantly advocating for nurses and our patients. Please reach out to us using the contact information on the right if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you!

Forms that come to your aid


Salary Differentials

The Salary Differentials Search Engine has been created as an advisory tool containing approved 130.4, 130.6, and 130.7 Salary Differentials. In using this Search Engine, you can choose to look up a Salary Differential by Location, Title or both. For “official” Salary Differential calculations, contact the Office of the State Comptroller’s Bureau of State Payroll Services.

Nurses Survival Booklet

PEF Survival Handbook:
Nurses: Take steps to protect your rights

New York State Public Job Announcements

New York State PUBLIC Job Announcements

External links on this web site are provided for your convenience.  PEF does not necessarily endorse these web sites and is NOT responsible for their content.  Your feedback is welcome.  Send comments to


Nurse Practitioner

Registered Professional Nurse


Lippincott’s Nursing Center The home page of one of the most respected journals for nurses.

External links on this web site are provided for your convenience.  PEF does not necessarily endorse these websites and is NOT responsible for their content.  Your feedback is welcome.  Send comments to

Meeting Minutes